

Does Covid vaccination status of a member remain important?
We're contemplating removing vaccination status information. We'd like to determine the percentage of members who still wish to see members' Covid vaccination status.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Votes: 236 Male 207 Female 443 Total
Member Comments ?
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
No longer important
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Yes it is important as I would not want a physical relationship with someone that is vaccinated as the spike proteins can be passed on and can cause health issues. It also shows whether someone is a genuine vegan rather than someone that just throws vegan principles out of the window when it suits them.
VeggieConnection CommentIf someone is sick with Covid, they can pass it on to others. Our current Covid vaccines, however, contain mRNA, and one cannot get Covid from mRNA. Virus shedding can only happen when a vaccine is comprised of a weakened form of the live virus. That's not the case with Covid vaccines currently in use.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I like to know someone's stance on vaccines in general, and the Covid one
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It is a good filter to remove people who are susceptible to misinformation. I am fully vaccinated and am more than happy to have anti-vaxers choose not to contact me.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Tells me about the person.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Yes, it's super important. I will not consider a vaxed woman. I wish we could include it in the search. It would save both of us unnecessary discomfort.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I just had COVID for the first time. Would prefer to keep getting a yearly booster. Anti-vaxxers probably have been vaccinated for other illnesses, such as polio, so they are just silly (but dangerous!) people.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Bollox to Convid!!!
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
The truth has come out that the WHOLE COVID situation was largely based on lies. As a Natural Health Doctor, I followed this closely. Vaccines remain mostly dangerous to our health.The Covid vaccine did nothing to prevent getting sick or infection spread.
VeggieConnection CommentCOVID-19 vaccinations have prevented an estimated 14.4 million deaths
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Keep it. After reading the comments of others, I can see It really is telling about a person's perspectives. It would be nice to be able to search by it.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
the public display of a person's vaxination status can result in false judgement and misunderstanding. some people were sick before the covid pandemic and the covid vaccine was a life save for them. others (who didn't need it) got the vaccine because of government und media hysteria, scaring people into getting vaccinated. many of those wish they hadn't received it. if members on this website are concerned, they can discuss the issue in private during video chats and clarify the exact reasons why or why not, someone was vaccinated. also, during such conversations one can learn many other valuable things about a person.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
I suggest the elbow bump for greetings. Helps avoid colds too.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
It is a delicate subject. Honesty is the key. :)
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Thank you.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Yes, keep it. 
The most important, first information I collect is (are you jabbed or not). I do not even talk with a jabbed girl. i do not touch a jabbed girl. Any time spent on them is a waste of time. As they are sick, sickening entities. they are deceived, sick and infected and they shed spike protein and mRNA and they make you sick physically. They trusted the enemy and they are either dead, disabled, sick, or on the path of destruction. Possibly they will learn in their next reincarnation. Certainly not on earth, as humans will be extinct shortly. Destruction is done and we are observing annihilation of humanoid corpse eater parasite species now. Moses July 2024
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
As someone who is immunocompromised from my chronic illnesses, vaccination status is important to me. Covid variants are still circulating, & people still tend to have strong opinions about this topic, so this remains an important factor to myself & many others, I’m sure.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
The fundamental way to stay away from viruses is to protect the environment we depend on with a proper attitude towards life, and maintain physical, mental and spiritual health through proper diet, sleep and exercise. Prevention is much more vital than healing through means that may have negative or even fatal side effects.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I admittedly never considered whether the vaccination was tested on animals... its various forms WERE tested on a gazillion people though, and countries with a high coverage (such as Finland) escaped drastic negative consequences of the pandemic whereas ones filled with skeptics who won't even wear masks suffered more for it. I couldn't tell you what the right equation is for deeming what amount of other-animal suffering justifies what amount of human suffering. As for whether it should be kept here or not... well, I guess I wouldn't prefer science denialists. There are other aspects of the situation that can be discussed of course, but if you just don't believe in western medicine, you're sort of a conspiracy theorist. Alternative medicine has a long and shameful history of misleading people.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Wake up people. Everyday we get separated into categories. No wonder people can’t find love. Stop putting barriers in front of yourselves. Human connection is dying everyday. No one is perfect.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
covid is fake big pharma are felons who test on animals.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please keep it, as it is important to many, and if new sign-ups choose, they can bypass the response.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Yes: It's something I pay attention to. It's important to some. PEACE OUT.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
no remove it, the virus is not present in society. So its a useless irrelvent insignificant piece of information to have on ones profile.... ( just my opinion )
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
its important to know.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Another subject that divides people
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Can't really call yourself a vegan if you take a Big Pharma drug that has animal products in it, and that was tested on animals, and most of them died. So keep it, so we can tell who the fake vegans are.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It shows if the person believes in science IMO!
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I trust in science and a vaccine's ability to build good immune system response to infections. Just as the polio vaccine has virtually eliminated the disease, I am gratefull for the covid vaccines.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Very important
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
I don't think that it is always relevant
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Wasn't vaxxed and won't be. I would not want to get involved intimately with someone who had been. That's me.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It is interesting to see the thought processes, ranging from the crazies who believe they will die or have their nose fall off if they get the shot, to the selfish ones who excuse the torture of and testing on other animals when it is for their own convenience, all while condemning everyone who isn't as vegan and holy as they are
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
The effects of the Vx are permanent yet what’s even more important is to know if the person yielded to the pressure or not, that makes ALL the difference.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please keep it.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
This is the one useful feature which sets this site apart from others.
Anyone who understands the transfection issue will never engage physically with the "vaccinated" , the health risk is simply unacceptable.
This feature needs to remain. Oh and if you are thinking of labelling this as "Misinformation" , that act should tell everyone with more than three braincells where your agenda lies.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
I was never a fan of the coerced injection stuff. It was experimental and alot of ppl are very sick and have died bc they fell to pressure to be injected.
I'm against animal experimentation, so why would I condone it for humans either?
The vaccine shedding is very unhealthy. It's best not to be around the injected.
VeggieConnection CommentIn the US more than 500 million Covid shots have been given. Regrettably 3 deaths from heart inflammation were reported early on relating to the vaccine. However, this does make the Covid vaccine the safest vaccine in US history. Doctors also now know how to deal with the heart inflammation issue, so even that appears to no longer be an issue.

US Covid vaccines are mRNA based and contain neither live nor attenuated viruses, so there is no viral shedding.

Those who object to animal testing may make an exception when a treatment potentially may save their own life or the lives of vulnerable family members and friends.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It is very important if you are claiming g to be Vegan. I also prefer someone who can think for themselves and not be just a follower.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It is important to know. If someone pretend to care for ethical views without abuseing animals - but suddenly the sickness of animal testing in the pharma industry is totally fine.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I want someone who is unvaxxed--someone who was and still is courageous enough to withstand the onslaught of a maniacal ruling body's propaganda and an out of control media that pedaled the propaganda for them. Also for those who think the Covid "vaccine" has anything in common with the polio, whooping cough, rubella or any other vaccine....I never had to get boosters because the effectiveness of those vaccines wore off. Glad to be an unvaxxed warrior unfazed by what the outside world thinks of me.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please keep it.  It says a lot about a person if they don’t care enough for their health and the health of others, including their family/friends, to take a simple vaccine.  It’s so easy and has saved Millions of lives.

Unfortunately, a lot of people are easily duped by false information.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Regret getting vaccinated.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Hmm. Actually I prefer someone NOT vaccinated but if the info disappears I don’t care that much.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Definitely keep it. It is important to me to connect with people who follow the science. I can't wait to get my next dose!
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please keep it. I like to know. Thank you
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I think it is very important because it helps to know what we put into our bodies.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Although I first say no because of how much division this made, I then changed my mind! So, for me too, please keep the status. It does helps me understand the person better, even if I hold the judgment until I know more of him/her. In general, I too prefer to meet people who are knowledgeable and humble enough to listen what the science says about things.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Might as well keep the question , I myself prefer a non vaccinated partner , not into traditional medicine at all for many reasons .
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I think the vax is deadly and a tiny bit of research will prove that. It's important to me to know if a person can research serious issues like this on their own or if they are just sheeple who follow whatever MSM tells them to do.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Well, I rather not have a shot for a vaccine that took less than a year to research, build and release to the public.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I didn't get the vaccine, and believe the doctors and drug companies used covid to make lots of money while neglecting obvious inexpensive remedies that could have saved lots of people. Most politicians were well meaning, but mostly just foolish dupes of the AMA. Masks and anti virals were cheap ways to stop this, too bad there was no common sense available with all the fear mongering. I just kept fire cider, aka super tonic close by and took a swig now and again. also a little echinacea goes a long way
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please keep the status.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Gives me an insight into whether they're anti-vaxx or not.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Remove it
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It was useful to understand the person. Early on when Covid was savage and deadly it was important. Now, the virus has mutated and is less dangerous. I prefer to meet people that reflects their understanding of science.
VeggieConnection CommentReports are actually mixed as to Covid now being less severe.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
It's no use anymore
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
I never believed in Vaccination prefer a none vaccinated partner
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
mRNA gave me 6 major 'side'-effects
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Yes really important to see the intelligence level at people here as being vegan doesn't prove thst people are sober
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It's a rather telling situation and for anyone with autoimmune conditions or suppressed immune systems, it's very important.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
No worries, prospective partners will not be turning into lizards if vaccinated, mRNA cannot alter DNA! How many of you have NOT been vaccinated for polio, measles, mumps, and rubella?  mRNA vaccine research began ten years prior to COVID vaccines.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please provide an unvaxed search option
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Perhaps the issue of being an anti vaxxer or pro vaxxer is more indicative of personality type
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Vaxxed is not a red flag, but I'm definitely more into non-vaxxed. But I wouldn't mind if it's no longer visible
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
This is one reason I became a paying member. Please keep it
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Why limit it to just co19, its a mentality thing more than anything, just say vaccinations in general or not, there not gunna stop slamming these shots down peoples throats (or arms), this was just one bump on a long road of things they wanna inject people with, it just happened to be one that changed RNA so I see the significance in a life partner when there DNA has been changed, it aint the last time its gunna happen though that pandoras box has been opened. Just keep all options now and add an extra option against excessive shots or RNA changing ones as well, in the profile description
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I won't date those who get their information from government-financed propaganda and deceptive media and who put into their body questionable substances that is a multi-billion dollar business. These gullible people are order-followers and I would never want to date any of them. I am only interested in dating Humans. Whoever understands this, is perhaps still human.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
I think it’s useful, but that the colors should be changed to more neutral ones. Red and green are quite charged, no matter what your perspective on the issue is.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Please don't remove this status! I will NOT date anyone who has been vaccinated for covid so it's really helpful to see this status when viewing profiles.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
It is still important to me for alignment, but I agree with Conservative -- let it be an option in the Profile so that can be listed as a match [or not] point, where it matters to the two users whose values and such are compared.
No: You can remove it. I'm no longer (or never was) concerned.
Remove it. Users can voluntarily list it in their profile, just as they can with political, religious, dietary choices/reasons. I understand the "vax" starus does readily tell if both persons are aligned in how they approach health (pharma vs. natural), but there are other match dealbreakers, so vax status shouldn't get the front seat banner atop every profile in search results.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I find vaccination status helpful. I think it gives one an idea of whether or not you are aligned in your thoughts and opinions on the matter.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Completely disagree with the fellow below. True health doesn't come from a needle. Would love to be with someone who was not conned into this choice via fear, monetary or other means.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
Not just their status but also the reasoning behind it should be retained. It importantly reflects people's worldview, their respect for educated opinion and legitimate authority, their capacity for rational decision-making, and their concern for the safety and well-being of others. From the standpoint of finding partners and friends, it helps separate the wheat from the chaff or, should I say, the flakes.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
It doesn’t matter so much anymore but gives an indication of people’s behaviors and thoughts during the pandemic. I think it’s still useful.
Yes: Please keep it. Vaccination status is still important to me.
I'd like to know if a potential partner believes in medical science.
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