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Vegetarian Male, 29, seeks:
Dating: Females
Friends: Females
H Prague (New Town), Prague, Czech Republic 3601mi/5761km Map
Physical Description
  Me My Date My Friend
Gender Male Female Female
Age 29 any to 24 any to 23
Zodiac ♍ Virgo    
Height 5'7" (170 cm) 4'10" (147 cm) to 5'6" (168 cm) 4'10" (147 cm) to 5'6" (168 cm)
Weight 159 lbs (72 kg) (unused) (unused)
Hair Color Black (unused) (unused)
Eye Color Brown (unused) (unused)
Body Type Average any any
Ethnicity Indian
No Caucasian/White
No African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
Yes Indian
No Native Pacific
No Latino
No Middle-Eastern
No Other
No Caucasian/White
No African Descent/Black
No Native American Indian
No Asian
Yes Indian
No Native Pacific
No Latino
No Middle-Eastern
No Other
Personal Information
  Me My Date My Friend
Diet Vegetarian any any
Relationship Single (Never Married)
Yes Single (Never Married)
No Single (Divorced)
No Single (Widowed)
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Yes Single (Never Married)
No Single (Divorced)
No Single (Widowed)
No Separated
No In a relationship
No Married or Live-in Partner
Occupation Student (unused) (unused)
Have Children No (unused) (unused)
Want Children with future partner Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Undecided/Any
No No
No Yes
Yes Undecided/Any
Yes No
Smoking No
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Yes No
No Occasionally
No Daily
Drinking No
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Regularly
Yes No
Yes Occasionally
No Regularly
Education High School any any
Income ? (unused) (unused)
Religion Spiritual but not religious
Yes Agnostic
Yes Atheist
Yes Bahá'í Faith
Yes Buddhist
Yes Confucian
Yes Christian/Catholic
Yes Christian/LDS
Yes Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Other
Yes Hindu
Yes Jain
Yes Jewish
Yes Muslim / Islam
Yes Sikh
Yes Spiritual but not religious
Yes Taoist
Yes Agnostic
Yes Atheist
Yes Bahá'í Faith
Yes Buddhist
Yes Confucian
Yes Christian/Catholic
Yes Christian/LDS
Yes Christian/Protestant
Yes Christian/Other
Yes Hindu
Yes Jain
Yes Jewish
Yes Muslim / Islam
Yes Sikh
Yes Spiritual but not religious
Yes Taoist
Language skill
Yes English
Yes Hindi
Yes Japanese
Yes Malay
Yes Polish
Yes Russian
Yes Swedish
Yes Thai
Yes Ukrainian
Yes Vietnamese
Yes English
Yes Hindi
Credentials 0 Request Credentials
Covid Vaccination Unanswered
My Gifts (0)

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My Lifestyle
Member has not entered any information in this section as yet.
Why I'm Vegetarian
My principle is minimum violence as possible. It is not possible lo live in this world without any violence. Even for breathing we need to commit violence as we kill the bacteria and viruses. Therefore, I consume plant foods and dairy products (no eggs). 
More About Me
I am just a normal human being who wants to be happy within. Trying to seek the truth. More interested in spirituality. 
I'm Looking For
Someone who is also a vegetarian and shows some interest in spirituality. 
Member for 4 years
Last Login 12 months ago

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