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MilwaukeeProfBack to the rfk2 brain worm: Now we've learned that he picked up the body of a dead bear cub, left it in the trunk of his car on a hot day so he could eat it and then threw the bear's dead body onto a path in New York City's famed Central Park. If that weren't enough, he evidently (per his own daughter) sawed off the head of a beached whale, tied it on top of his car and brought it home.
I suppose this utter disrespect for the rule of law and basic decency correlates to his endorsement of the crazy insurrectionist.
VegInNotOut...and still more to it in that he confirmed that he was generally down for eating roadkill (or where'er killed)... seems there may be more than one kind of brain bug or such rattling around up there. it is truly a great match -- he probably should have been the VP pick.
MilwaukeeProfOh, now there's one I hadn't considered: which one is more crazy, hates women the most and will be generally the most toxic: rfk2 or jdv? Sex diaries v Childless cat ladies remarks. It is pregnant with possibilities! Then we could compare their dumb remarks about forcing women to crank out children even if it kills them or be stripped of their voting rights.
I wonder if it's too late for the Kennedy clan to vote to revoke his name.
VegInNotOutI perceive them as vastly different which makes my opinion predicated on weighting those nefarious categories (and too, different levels of aggression and different motivators - Vance, like Trump, sells himself to the highest bidder; not sure who or what RFK Jr sells/sold his soul to)... thankfully, this is simply an amusing discussion and not a choice we must make!
I think you can be confident that if it was possible, the Kennedys would have done that already. <SMH>
MilwaukeeProfGood point about the rest of the Kennedys.
I believe the weirdo in question's motivation is some twisted desire to one up his late father and uncle.
I've noticed a trait about the Kennedy men, in addition to being reckless to the point of self-destructive ( besides the chronic womanizing) is that they insert themselves late into presidential campaigns by attacking the leader of their own party, weakening their party's candidate and basically acting like, um, the last point in the digestive tract.
Bobby did it to LBJ when he smelled blood induced by Gene McCarthy.
Teddy did it to President Carter. [Carter attended Teddy's funeral.]
Now we have this nut first attacking Biden and, Democrat v. "Democrat," when that did not work for him to be coronated, flailing around like a severed whale head atop a moving car before endorsing an insurrectionist in the hope of getting more fame and maybe a title.
There must be a gene for that.
VegInNotOutWhat do you think of the Fish and Wildlife Service's plan to kill ~450,000 barred owls over 3 decades to save the spotted owls, starting next spring?
MilwaukeeProfOK, I'll bite since nobody else is. I hadn't heard about this and haven't read up on it since finding your message.
That said, as much as I don't like the thought of killing nearly a half million anything (except maybe rats and Guinea worms), we can't let other species go extinct.
It'd be nice if we had a magic wand that we could wave around and make the old growth forests and other habitats that we've wrecked with our overpopulation and greed come alive again. Since we can't, I suppose we have to take measures like this to protect who and what is left. Evidently, we kill off an entire species every 20 minutes these days, for 30,000 per year, dead and gone forever.
What are your thoughts?
VegInNotOutMy concern is that we frequently do things where we interfere with nature, cause an issue and then kill off the stronger species or the proliferation of a species that has the misfortune of adapting to what we wrought. I can't endorse it.
VegInNotOutOh, but I do, MP, I do. :)
They are considered invasive but it is likely because they moved as a result of humans settling in their native habitat.
MilwaukeeProfSure, we've done a great job of wrecking our habitat and dragging other species down with us, ahead of us actually. If they can still live east of the Mississippi, and I believe they can, then they should, far as I'm concerned.
It's like the starlings. God made live in Europe, not North America. Here they are invasive and take away food as well as space from native species.
VegInNotOutStarlings are a great example of what riles me: they were ignorantly introduced here in the US by humans. There are many such examples of now problematic man-made-invasive species in the world and the answer is invariably to kill them.
However, the barred owls simply adapted to their habitat compromise -- a man-made problem with a nature solution. At what point do we draw the line to stop our slaughter of animals and allow for nature to flow as it will?
MilwaukeeProfIt's hard to know.
With only about 15,000 spotted owls remaining in the world and evidently more than a half million barred owls, I still side with protecting the spotted owls.